All Sales Final

  • All Sales Final

  • Artist: Tricia Middleton
  • Artist: Joel Taylor
  • Year: 2000
  • Duration: 4:17
  • Country: Canada
  • ALL SALES FINAL centres around the cult of the sale and how it applies, rather, how it appeals to the melodramatic imagination. A sale is always about the dramatics of the savings available to the consumer and the spectacle created around those savings, or, more pressingly, this society s cavernous need to consume. In the case of a department store going out of business, the dramatics of the sale increase considerably, to the point of a frenzied idolization of cheap and broken objects. In this event, one has the opportunity to observe this spectacle at its best, or worst, depending on one s inclination towards perversion; as the store is gutted and transformed into a relic of what once signified material dominance. ALL SALES FINAL incorporates the high drama of the last days of a Canadian institution, Eaton's department stores, and shows all the gruesome details of the death of this icon, and laughs at the clamour for a bargain basement glamour that ensued as a result.

  • Accession #: 2425
  • Distribution Status: In Library Only
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