Dad, Don't Be Mad

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  • Dad, Don't Be Mad

  • Artist: Dayna McLeod
  • Year: 2004
  • Duration: 9:00
  • Country: Canada
  • The construction of personal truth, allegory and family (dys)function are "brought in for questioning" in, Dad, Don t be Mad.
    Featuring eight-year-old footage shot in an attempt by the artist to collaborate with her parents on a video project, Dad, Don t be Mad is an autobiographical video about growing up paranoid under the ever-watchful eye of a cop father. Blurring the lines between truth and fiction, Dayna uses storytelling devices from police dramas and cuts them with footage of her mom operating the camera, who all the while offers spontaneous nervous commentary, "Your dad is approaching the car! your dad is leaning into the car! your dad is talking to you! I've only got the rearview mirror in the frame! oh dear, we're going to have to do this one again!" Meanwhile in front of the lens Dad is playing his part and arresting his video artist-daughter in a staged car chase. Dad, Don t be Mad was produced as part of a residency sponsored by Charles Street Video and the Images Festival in Toronto entitled, "Fear Factory".

  • Accession #: 2793
  • Distribution Status: In Distribution
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