In The Northwest Corner

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  • In The Northwest Corner

  • Artist: Nimi Langer
  • Year: 2005
  • Duration: 3:30
  • Country: Canada
  • This short documentary introduces the viewer to Ms. Hendrika Even, a 95 year old woman, who volunteers to knit wool hats for cargo vessels seafarers that anchor at the shores of Vancouver BC.
    The seafarers live aboard the ship for months, sometimes years, without seeing their families and homes. Ms. Even saw a seaman only once; however she reveals her passion for helping them. Knitting the toques is her means to fight against discrimination, poverty, and misfortunes that her family dealt with fifty years ago. At 95 her personal wounds have not yet healed and by knitting and giving to others she finds some comfort.
    An interview with Ms. Even is interspersed with the lines of a poem, which serves as a frame for telling her story.

  • Accession #: 2811
  • Distribution Status: In Distribution
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