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TitleDate of ProductionProducer(s)Accession NumberDescription
Titlesort iconYearProducerDurationDistribution StatusAccession Number
Stickshaker1987Mark Verabioff4:20In Distribution1473
Stiff Sheets1989John Goss19:00In Distribution1615
Still Frame Copyright Notice Over Feedback2024George A. Lessard0In Library Only1316a
Still Lives (In the Americas)2003Ho Tam20:00In Distribution2752
Still Sane1985Brenda Ingratta60In Library OnlyW0096
Stockholm Experience1972Howie Arfin30In Library Only151
Stone Show1999Zachery Longboy8:53In Distribution2697
Stone Symposium 19751975Women in Focus29In Library OnlyW0063
Stonecarver And His Craft1974Maureen Sager20In Library Only316
Stop Staring and Listen1999Catherine McCollum13:43In Distribution2399
Stop The Extradition2012Jan Darger20In Library Only730
Storage Room2001Jeremy Drummond2:50In Library Only2637d
Stories from the Front (and Back) A True Blue Romance1981Vera Frenkel61:00In Distribution992
Story Of Feniks And Abdullah1988Luc Bourdon18:00In Distribution1543
Story of Red1984Rodney Werden15:00In Distribution1444
Story To Tell You1990Eva Manly45:00In Distribution1806
Straight Flush1974Shoko Matsushita13In Library Only0487
Straight Jacket1980Kate Craig7:00In Distribution1006
Straight Talk: Interviews With Women Of Colour1990Nicole Thompson31:00In Distribution1787
Straightening Out the Gay 2004Lisa G11:00In Distribution2776 a
Stranded2004Maureen Bradley3:56In Distribution2801
Strange Animals2001Emily Vey Duke10:00In Library Only2588
Strange Fascinations1981Jorge Lozano26:00In Distribution1007a
Strangest Dream1986Laura Lamb12In Distribution1480
Strathcona Community Day Activities2024Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM223
Strathcona Open House1973Gas ProductionIn Library OnlyW0101
Street Chain1972Bill Roberts31In Library Only20
Street Drugs With Nic Puma1982Richard Ward14In Library Only1053
Street Scenes2024Sheila Smyth28In Library Only0062b
Street: Winter1977Jane Wright18In Library Only0936a
Strings And Vectors1984Marilyn Wulff15In Library Only1285f
Stuart Pound 2006-72007Stuart PoundIn Distribution2928 a-f
Stuart Pound Compilation DVD2005Stuart Pound40:35In Distribution2864-2869
Study Of Three Birmingham Schools1976Darcy Lang3In Library Only0751b
Subject In Progress1992Susan Harman4:00In Distribution1831
Subkonscio Redukta Tricikla1998Clark Nikolai31:00In Distribution2258b
Subtle Architectures2007Emma Howes8:50In Distribution2964
Suburban Discipline2002Jeremy Drummond6:24In Library Only2637c
Subway Loop (installation)1975Paul Wong11:00In Distribution1079
Subway Loop [2]1975Paul Wong11:00In Library Only1080
Subway Loop [3]1975Paul Wong11:00In Library Only1081
Success (aka Hack)2003Kiley FithenloopIn Distribution2768 c
Such A Grind- By I- Weedeater1985Joe Naylor4In Library Only1259c
Sudz1982Teri Chmilar33In Distribution1011
Sugar1978N.C.N.M.12In Library Only740
Sugar Daddy1980Ardele Lister31In Distribution915
Summer 86: A Neighbourhood Notebook1987Edward Hillel29In Distribution1543d
Summer Festival1983Dream Beam Productions29In Library Only1092
Sun Spot Activity 19371977Pat Drake13In Library Only651
Sunbear At Unitarian Church [1/2]1977Twin Rainbows [Jean Irwin]30In Library Only590
Sunbear At Unitarian Church [1/2]1977Twin Rainbows [Jean Irwin]30In Library Only591
Sunglasses1976Teri Chmilar7In Library Only0949a
Sunnybrook1995Lorna Boschman45:00In Distribution2173
Sunshine2003Meesoo Lee3:58In Distribution2735 b
Sunshine Coast Arts Festival 19811981Andrew Krumins22In Library Only954
Sunshine Coast Stream Restoration -Employment Project1997Human Resources33In Library Only2354
Supercat1998Mary Cross3:00In Distribution2405
Supermarket Aesthetics1976Mark Gilliland7In Library Only0445b
SuPORNNatural2007Sacha Fink4:00In Distribution2955
Support Modeling (installation)1977Paul Wong5:00In Distribution1076
Support Modeling [2]1977Paul Wong5:00In Library Only1077
Support Modeling [3]1977Paul Wong5:00In Library Only1078
supra-national prayer wheel2004Nikola Marin2:45In Distribution2809
Sur Les Pas De Baudelaire1974Richard Garrido20In Library Only0184a
Sure- I'm Fine!2004Alex Young Hwa Cho16:00In Distribution2919
Surfer Dick1997Wayne Yung3:20In Distribution2230
Surveillance1974Richard Ward30In Library Only666
Survey Of Empathy1978Teri Chmilar3In Library Only0949e
Survival In The City1973Dan E. Burns26In Library Only0164
Survival: Still The Issue1986Melodie Calvert25:00In Distribution1369
Suspects (Performance for the Police)2001Artspeak Gallery26:38In Distribution2564
Suzanne Et Lucie: Danseuses a go-go1973Richard Boutet24:00In Library Only0158
Swallow1995Elisabeth Subrin30:00In Distribution2195
Swampwater1977Penny JoyIn Library Only0663a
Swan River Round-up1997Gerry Kisil27In Library Only2355
Sweet as Honey2001Jeremy Drummond2:30In Library Only2637i
Sweet Heat1998Anthony Chan28:40In Distribution2320
Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup1980Laurie McDonald27:00In Distribution1094
Swing2002Laurel Swenson4:14In Distribution2607
Sybaris1987Nina Skogster16:00In Distribution1519
Sylva Gelber: An Interview1976Women in Focus28In Library OnlyW0048
Syntax Errors2002Artspeak Gallery3:13:In Distribution2642-2643
Syntaxerrors 01: Acting out- Play-Doh* and Doubt: a personalized history of performative lecturing2002Artspeak Gallery52:33In Distribution2642-2643
Syntaxerrors 02: The honey's not far from the sting2002Artspeak Gallery1:20:00In Distribution2642-2643
Syntaxerrors 03: Counter-Interpellation2002Artspeak Gallery50:33In Distribution2642-2643
Systeme Des Beaux-Arts1981Daniel Dion9:00In Distribution1013a
T L C1985Elizabeth Vander Zaag4:20In Distribution1306
T.V. Tart1988Barbara Hammer10:00In Distribution1821
T.w.u. Tel1981Amelia Productions9In Library OnlyW0022
Tai Chi Chuan197810In Library Only766
Tainted: Christopher Lefler and the Queer Censorship Chill1996Maureen Bradley28:00In Distribution2219
Take Back the Land - Spirit Lake2002Nitanis Desjarlais28:00In Distribution2657
Take Back the Night2001Nikola Marin10:00Special2592a
Take Her She's Mad1970Marta Segovia Ashley20:00In Library Only0234
Tale Of Channel 681977Vampire Video40In Library Only739
Talkin' Bout Droppin' Out1989Teenvision Posse46:00In Distribution1824c
Tatayana Mamonova - Russian Feminist1981Amelia Productions60In Library Only1001
Tattoo2023Larry Gale28In Library Only0233
Tatyana Mamonova1981Amelia Productions60In Library OnlyW0124