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TitleDate of ProductionProducer(s)Accession NumberDescription
Titlesort iconYearProducerDurationDistribution StatusAccession Number
Taxi Drivers1977Geoff Wheelwright22In Library Only714
Tba Tv Welcome To Tba Tv: K.k. Klose-up1980Ken Kuramoto19In Distribution1396a
Teach Me1996Akram Zaatari6:00In Distribution2262a
Tear-Jerker1993Rick Phillips4:00In Distribution2009b
Technology and Nature1994Hank Bull8:00In Distribution2387
Technology Knows No Sacred Cows1984Cornelia Wyngaarden3:30In Distribution1228
Tee Hee Hee1994Ling Chiu4:00In Distribution2008a
Tekhn1999Remi Lacoste45:00In Distribution2473
Télé-faroun1973Rosemary Sullivan50In Library Only0061
Tele-pharoun1973Rosemary Sullivan50In Library Only62
Telepath: Byron Back In Bangkok1980Byron Black60In Library Only988
Television Generation1970Brian Levin28In Library Only0009a
Television Spots1988Stan Douglas5:19Special1702
Television Spots (w/sample ads)1988Stan Douglas11:00Special1701
Tell Me Why: The Epistemology of Disco1991John Di Stefano23:00In Distribution1932
Telling Tales1979Elizabeth Chitty26:30In Distribution857
Temple Of My Familiar1995Paul Wong20:00In Distribution2187
Temporal Transmissions2005Alternator Gallery57:00In Distribution2857
Ten Dollars or Nothing1989Sara Diamond12:00In Distribution1680a
Ten Skakel (My Baby)1995Cease Wyss25:00In Distribution2141
Terminal2005Miriam Needoba3:00In Distribution2966a
Terminal City2007Earl Moloney (Karen Earl)9:00In Distribution3014
Terminal City Dance....At Work1981Michael Goldberg60:00In Distribution904
Terms of Engagement: Documentation1995Ken AnderliniIn Distribution7023
Terra1994Carole Beaulieu7:30In Distribution1976
Textual Strategies1980Daniel Guimond20In Library Only946
Thalamus: Baby Bottle And Baby Doll1982Daav MacNab9In Library Only1227
Thank You Kate Bornstein2000Mark Kenneth Woods3:20In Distribution2742
That's Guerilla Television1980TV Moi Video45In Library Only973
That's It- Forget It1985Branda Miller4:00In Distribution1825b
That's Life1972Terry Mcglade30In Library Only430
That's Not Me They're Talking About!1980Women in Focus30In Library OnlyW0083
Thaumatrope1991Clark Nikolai8:13In Distribution2257f
The Agony and the Ecstasy1976John Mitchell8:00In Distribution0672a
The Bell2006Donna Szoke2:45In Distribution2895 c
The Birthday Party2004Gwen Groening9:25In Distribution2790
The Buck Stops Here2018BC Coalition of the Disabled17In Distribution2025
The Calling2000Nguyen Tan Hoang8:00In Distribution2690x
The Canadian Union of Postal Workers strike 1981. Mothers' Rights: Union Rights1981Amelia Productions28:00In Library Only1165
The Class From 9 to 52005Nimi Langer12:50In Distribution2850
The Cornman Commeth2000Velveeta Krisp4:30In Distribution2505
The Day Sex Ended1973Richard Ward13In Library Only0144
The Director's Cut2003Jeremy Drummond5:30In Library Only2765 G
The East Is Red, The West Is Bending1977Martha Rosler19:57In Library Only0879a
The East Is Red, The West Is Bending1977Martha Rosler19:57In Library OnlyW0008
The Evil Villain2004Brian MacDonald2:15In Distribution2767 D
The First Step1977Shawn Preus11In Library Only0593
The Fish In The Machine #32005Stuart Pound8:11In Distribution2868
The Hill 2004Dana Claxton3:49In Distribution2779
The Kiss and Other Movements2003Nickolaos Stagias16:00In Distribution2711
The Language of Mosaic2003Lisa G5:40In Distribution2721a
The Legend of Buck Kelly2006Peggy Anne Berton72:00In Distribution2902
The Loop2001Ho Tam14:00In Distribution2621d
The Love That Won't Shut Up2007Ivan E. Coyote21:00In Distribution2985
The Man From Venus1999James Diamond3:40In Distribution2407
The Man From Venus/ Mars Womb Man2006James Diamond13:40In Distribution2905
The Merry Sea-Gentleman and the Cod Fisher's Voyage Below2006Sam Scott6:25In Distribution2948
The Moon's Pyramid2003Venus Soberanes8:30In Distribution2915
The Negotiating Table1983Mona Hatoum20:00In Distribution1792
The New Freedom Founders2004Emily Vey Duke26:00In Distribution2815
The Nukes and Golf Coincidence1995Ariella Pahlke10In Distribution2426 c
The OAC Baby1981Joyan Saunders2:30In Distribution0950c
The Opening of The Thunder Bay Indian Friendship Centre1972Linda Johnson22In Library Only0059
The Panama1995Anthony Chan30In Distribution2189
The Pink Pimpernel1989John Greyson34:00In Distribution1707
The Plywood Girls1999Don Gill50:00In Distribution2430
The Queen's Cantonese (English version)1998Wayne Yung33:00In Distribution2251
The Queen's Cantonese (French version)1998Wayne Yung34:00In Library Only2252
The Race2004Robert Hamilton2:00In Distribution2826 A
The Red Paper1996Dana Claxton13:30In Distribution2466
The Rites Of Everything1974Gregg Simpson60In Library Only0842
The Rolling Stones2025Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM070
The Sea's Children1974Elizabeth Walker22:00In Library Only0259
The Spirit of Humanity2001Venus Soberanes6:00In Distribution2913
The Storm2006Meesoo Lee3:38In Distribution2888 A
The Strange and Terrible Fate of Sir Robert Scott2000Nicholas Johnson18In Distribution2562
The Students Voice: Organizing for Students Rights1975Essential Idea28In Library Only0480
The Suicide of Laura C.2000Marlene Madison22:00In Distribution2456
The Tantrum Project2005S. Saii5:05In Distribution2843
the tea party2006Asa Mori1:45In Distribution2912
The Third Mind1994Mark Handley4:00In Distribution1983c
The Thoughts of Mary Jane 2005Meesoo Lee4:18In Distribution2823 A
The Thoughts of Mary-Jane / Rock n Roll Fantasy2005Meesoo Lee4:18,In Distribution2823 A-B
The Troubles. An Artist's Document of Ulster1972Les Levine54In Library Only0169
The Typist1976Rodney Werden18:00In Distribution0775
The Walk2006Terry Haines3:30In Distribution2903
The Wild Woman In The Woods1993Shani Mootoo14:00In Distribution1926
The Wizard of Deaf Way1999Cheryl Winter10:00In Distribution2493
The Women's Suffrage Movement In Canada1975Women in Focus30In Library OnlyW0074
The World Is Sick (sic)1989John Greyson38:00In Distribution1706
The Yellow Pages1994Ho Tam7:45In Distribution2131
Theater Co-op2025Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM150
Theater Piece2025Metro MediaIn Library OnlyM231
Theft of the Agony of St. Pengui2001Nikola Marin9:00Special2592b
Their Hands1987Michele Waquant6:00In Distribution1563
Theme Song II2001Tricia Middleton3:30In Distribution2570
There is Something Wrong1997Christof Migone2:44In Distribution2396c
There's a Dog in the Field1995Gerry Kisil15In Library Only2357
These Schools - Children's Future1975Indian Cultural College32In Library Only477
They Dance Alone2005Juli Saragosa5:00In Distribution2969