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TitleDate of ProductionProducer(s)Accession NumberDescription
TitleYearsort iconProducerDurationDistribution StatusAccession Number
Crazy of You1997Akram Zaatari26:00In Distribution2263
Myth(s) of Creation1997Ming-Yuen S. Ma17:00In Distribution2266
All is Well on the Borderfront1997Akram Zaatari43:00In Distribution2264
Working Baby Dyke Theory: The Diasporic Impact of Cross Generational Barriers1997TJ Cuthand3:00In Distribution2273
Untitled1997Kenneth Sherman5:00In Distribution2284
Season of the Boys1997Ho Tam3:30In Distribution2294e
Night Lessons1997Guillermo Cifuentes35:00In Distribution2310
Vereca Nebulo1997Clark Nikolai14:00In Distribution2258a
Keeping Time1997Liz Tevaarwerk3:00In Distribution2326
Sergio Moyano: Living the Dance1997Mark Oliver35:00In Library Only2372
Ingrained Legacy: Early Prarie Woodworkers1997Judith Silverthorne23:50In Library Only2330
Peace of Paper: an introduction to origami1997Daniel Hess53In Library Only2332
Chris Delaney Interview1997Lorna BoschmanIn Library Only2349
Sunshine Coast Stream Restoration -Employment Project1997Human Resources33In Library Only2354
Swan River Round-up1997Gerry Kisil27In Library Only2355
2 bits a Ride1997Gerry Kisil10In Library Only2356
Klip1997Mark Oliver123In Library Only2375
Ani Phyo Showreel1997Ani Phyo6In Library Only2369
International Women's Day1997Lorna Boschman8In Library Only2374
Discover Oral Hygiene1997Tagny Duff6:00In Distribution2382
Sometimes Stitches are Necessary1997Christof Migone9:34In Distribution2396a
Sometimes the Memory is Enough1997Christof Migone3:43In Distribution2396b
There is Something Wrong1997Christof Migone2:44In Distribution2396c
Charlie's Prospect1997Ariella Pahlke10:00In Distribution2426 a
V.L.T.1997k.g. Guttman8:00In Distribution2429
Bone Dance1997Joel Baird1:28In Distribution2438b
Pretty Pink Sweater1997Joel Baird1:03In Distribution2438h
Five Visits to the Doctor1997Marlene Madison9:00In Distribution2448
Plug1997Monique Moumblow4:00In Distribution2452c
Would You Rather Be a Cyborg?1997Carla WolfIn Distribution2471
Albert's Diner1997David Clark10:00In Distribution2487
Day in the Life of a Parking Ticket Outlaw1997Ariella Pahlke2In Distribution2426 f
Video is Fun!1997Ariella Pahlke4In Distribution2426 g
Mt. Baker Compilation1997Robert Linsley1:15:In Library Only2595
Unsung Heros: Chinese Canadians in WW II1997Chistina M. Wong27:30In Distribution2649
The Queen's Cantonese (English version)1998Wayne Yung33:00In Distribution2251
The Queen's Cantonese (French version)1998Wayne Yung34:00In Library Only2252
Untouchable1998TJ Cuthand4:15In Distribution2274
Untitled (AP)1998Andrew Power5:00In Distribution2278
Transmission1998Ivan E. Coyote8:00In Distribution2279
Remotely In Touch1998Laiwan15:00In Distribution2280
Far Reaches1998Shawn Chappelle8:00In Distribution2285
Phonebook1998Christine Stewart10:00In Distribution2286
What I Remember1998Maureen Bradley6:00In Distribution2287
Spag1998Lynne R. Kamm26:00In Distribution2288
Star Trek: Generation Spice1998Gordon Wong5:00In Distribution2289
Radiant Monster1998Elizabeth MacKenzie4:00In Distribution2290
Shuet Ying: A Story of My Mother1998Gordon Wong4:00In Distribution2312
Ship of Fools1998Tony Allard17:50In Distribution2291
Angel1998Wayne Yung5:00In Distribution2292a
La Salle Primary1998Ho Tam5:00In Distribution2294a
Pocahontas: Transworld Remix1998Ho Tam4:20In Distribution2294b
99 Men1998Ho Tam3:00In Distribution2294c
Dear Sis1998Ho Tam4:20In Distribution2294d
Up and Down She Goes1998Elizabeth MacKenzie2:40In Distribution2295
1-800 Yer Mama1998Terra Poirier6:00In Distribution2296
Go Dyke! Go 1998Maureen Bradley10:00In Distribution2300
How to be a Recluse: 7 Easy Steps1998Laurel Swenson4:30In Distribution2301
Urbaneutics1998Terence Anthony9:00In Distribution2302
Snip1998Terence Anthony4:30In Distribution2302a
G1998Terence Anthony4:35In Distribution2302b
Hose1998Ken Anderlini9:00In Distribution2303
Sounding Queer Space1998Kris Zalite5:00In Distribution2304
My Dead Mother Mother Project1998Kerri Lattimer9:40In Distribution2305
Spiritual Animal Kingdom1998Steve Reinke28:00In Distribution2307
Echo Valley1998Steve Reinke7:15In Distribution2308a
How Photographs are Stored in the Brain1998Steve Reinke7:30In Distribution2308b
Black Flag1998Istvan Kantor9:00In Distribution2316
Physics of Love1998Diane Bonder24:00In Distribution2321
3 Squares- 4 Corners1998Kathryn Weiler11:40In Distribution2311
Stand by Your Man1998Minnie/Stefan St-Laurent10:45In Distribution2314
Rapt and Happy1998Emily Vey Duke17:00In Distribution2317
Subkonscio Redukta Tricikla1998Clark Nikolai31:00In Distribution2258b
Nuzvelz1998Clark Nikolai4:46In Distribution2258c
Sweet Heat1998Anthony Chan28:40In Distribution2320
Nondocument1998Vancouver Association for Noncommercial Culture26:00In Distribution2322
Phoenix is a Cunning Cunt1998Roisin Mongey6:00In Distribution2325
Heirs to a Felt Fortune1998Michael Turner8:30In Distribution2327
Bringing truth to light: a struggle for Justice in Guatamala1998Eva Manly25:00In Distribution2328
Cow at My Table1998Jennifer Abbott90:00In Distribution2383
On Hypochondria1998Judy Jheung20:00In Distribution2417
Video In at 25- Program 1- Social Documentaries1998Lorna BoschmanIn Library Only2393
Video In at 25: Program 2: Personal Histories1998-In Library Only2394
Video In at 25: Program 3: Video Art by West Coast First Nations Artists1998Various58:00In Library Only2395
Supercat1998Mary Cross3:00In Distribution2405
Diva TV1998Diva Research Team39:00In Distribution2409
She's a Diva1998Sheila James3:55In Distribution2410
Katy's Story1998Mayrs7:00In Distribution2419
Never Too Late1998Ariella Pahlke19In Distribution2426 h
Slasher1998Frederick Cummings5:00In Distribution2433
Candle1998Joel Baird2:22In Distribution2438d
Living1998Joel Baird4:30In Distribution2438f
Magic1998Joel Baird1:25In Distribution2438i
Three Waltzes1998Monique Moumblow7:00In Distribution2452d
Seuls les ƒternuements sont ƒternels1998laura jeanne lefave9:00In Distribution2475
Elephantiasis Ears: Performance Documentation1998Tagny Duff15:00In Distribution2504
Jizaltus Omega1998Clark Nikolai3:23In Distribution2527
Singing Our Stories1998Annie Fraziér Henry58:52In Distribution2381
White Christmas1998Jeremy Drummond1:32In Library Only2637e
Chiclette- The Posh Urban Piglet1998Marlene Madison4:30In Distribution2714d